Cacio the Tuscan Cheese

Transhumance Tales and 24 Traditional Recipes

Each slice of cheese has a long history behind it: the history of a pastoral world that is ancient and contemporary at the same time and of a procedure that has been evolving thus leading, over the centuries, to the present agricultural and food excellence. In the book titled “Tuscan Cheese” published by Cesare Moroni who is also the creator of the evocative pictures, we have tried to portray the age-old tradition of the Tuscan pecorino. It starts with our Etruscan ancestors to arrive at the more recent but historical events of the shepherds’ transhumance from the Apennine to the Maremma. Furthermore, thanks to the experience of a prestigious family concern at Roccalbegna the reader is made acquainted with peculiarities, recipes and processing secrets enabling him to savour this Tuscan excellence with the full knowledge of its supremacy
Valutazione: Nessuna valutazione
Prezzo di vendita: 15,00 €

Autore: Maria Novella Batini e Ornella D’Alessio

Fotografie: Cesare Moroni

116 pagine a colori

Formato 19X22

Copertina: Brossura

ISBN: 9788895999418


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